My signature inner child work program, designed to help you “shed” the weight of your childhood wounds so you can have a healthier outlook on life.

Shedding is not another inner child work course… it is THE inner child work course.

We dive deep into your psyche and create a healthy relationship with your inner child so you can reprogram your beliefs, hack your conditioning, change your pesky patterns and shed everything that is getting in the way of you being your best self.

My goal in this course to to make sure you leave feeling like “I make sense. My life makes sense.”

    • Deep self-awareness: Understand the root of your patterns and why you feel, react, or behave a certain way.

    • Healing from past wounds: Release emotional baggage from childhood experiences that still affect you today.

    • Greater emotional freedom: Stop being triggered by the same situations and start responding with calm and clarity.

    • Self-compassion: Learn to nurture and care for yourself in a way that wasn’t available to you as a child.

    • New habits: Replace self-sabotaging habits with empowering ones that align with your true self.

    • Inner peace: Experience relief from the constant inner critic or negative self-talk that holds you back.

    • Confidence and self-trust: Build a stronger sense of worth and trust in your own ability to create change.

    • You’re ready to attract healthy, loving relationships — you know you deserve better and want to finally experience deep, fulfilling connections.

    • You’re determined to reach your next level — you can feel you were made for ore, and you're ready to break through what's holding you back to get it.

    • You’re ready for real change — you’re done with quick fixes and want something that truly shifts how you live and feel for the long term.

    • You often feel stuck, like no matter how much effort you put in, you’re not making real progress. Every time things start going well, you somehow end up holding yourself back. That inner voice constantly tells you you’re not good enough, making it hard to feel confident or at peace. You're ready to truly shed it all.

    • Self awareness: Clear understanding of personal patterns and belief systems so you can BREAK cycles, and live the life you want to live.

    • More confidence in decision-making: No more second guessing and getting stuck in time.

    • Healthy boundaries: You’ll notice positive shifts in how you interact by being able to set boundaries, express your needs, or simply have deeper conversations.

    • Feel lighter: You’ll find yourself laughing more, enjoying the little things, and approaching life with playfulness. HI inner child!

    • Less stress and anxiety: No more overwhelm or reactive bursts, you've got coping mechanisms now.

    • Purpose: You’ll know exactly what steps to take toward your goals.


This course is designed to help you unshackle from those toxic ties and ensure you’re not dancing with your partner’s wounds so you can have that secure and exciting relationship you crave.

Unshackle is a course directly focused on integrating your inner child in romantic relationships. We do this by putting your relationship patterns and behaviours under a microscope and delving deep into your relational blueprint.

With topics on communication, intimacy, relational wounds, attachment styles and the difference between a man and woman, you won’t only understand yourself and your partner, but you’ll COMPLETELY change the course of your relationship for life.

    • Deeper understanding: Unlock how your inner child influences your behaviours and patterns so you can address unresolved wounds.

    • Effective communication: Learn techniques to express needs and emotions clearly and compassionately, fostering healthier interactions with partners.

    • Regulated Behavior: Develop skills to manage emotions and reactions during conflicts.

    • Conflict management strategies: Discover constructive approaches to resolving disagreements, focusing on healing rather than harming, and understanding triggers related to past experiences.

    • Explore relationship wounds: Identify and work through personal and partner-related wounds that affect intimacy and connection.

    • Address insecurities: Recognise and transform insecurities stemming from childhood, allowing for more authentic and trusting relationships.

    • Meet needs: Understand how to identify and communicate personal needs effectively.

    • Practical exercises: Book to real life - create change instantly through recommended activities with your partner.

    • Tired of repeating patterns: You're stuck in the same relationship dynamics of conflict, misunderstandings and emotional distance

    • Feeling unfulfilled: You're unsatisfied or feeling unworthy and need tools to move past this

    • Struggle with communication: Expressing your needs or feelings often leads to conflict or misunderstandings

    • You've got unaddressed wounds: Past experiences continue to haunt you and make you stress or get anxious in your current relationship

    • You want to model healthy relationships: You're a parent or plan to become one and so breaking the cycle of generational trauma is imperative.

    • You get insecure/anxious in intimate settings: If insecurities about yourself or your partner create barriers to closeness, you need this course to help build a foundation of trust and security in your relationships.

    • You're experiencing a life transition: Whether you're navigating a breakup, entering a new relationship, or facing challenges with a long-term partner, you want to do this part properly.

    • You want REAL change, for good: By going to the CORE problems, you're ready to unshackle from the things holding you back from your dream relationship

    • Self-awareness: Understand how your inner child influences your emotions and behaviours in romantic relationships.

    • Understand a man's brain: Through a Q&A with my husband, get a valuable men’s perspective on what relationships can look like when both partners commit to doing the ICW.

    • Improved communication skills: Say hello to DEPTH and HONESTY through learning how to express needs and feelings effectively.

    • Healthy conflict resolution strategies: Learn tools to manage and resolve conflicts constructively so disagreements aren't huge things you can avoid.

    • Heal relationship wounds: Finally let go of the pain and patterns that are still impacting you now.

    • Emotional regulation: Get techniques to manage emotional responses, reducing reactive behaviour and unnecessary fights.

    • Better love life: It's time for a renewed sense of intimacy and trust.

    • Mindset shift: Change how you view and approach relationships, moving from fear and insecurity to security and love.

    • Confidence, baby: A strengthened sense of self-worth and confidence in expressing desires and boundaries.


If you don’t want to pass your generational trauma on, and you are committed to being a cycle breaker, you need Interrupt. This course will tell you everything you need to know about discipline, sleep, tantrums, needs + more. Think of this like your very own inner child specific parenting handbook.

The course that will absolutely SHATTER your perspective on parenting and take you from struggling your way through and being lost and confused, to having a very clear sense of direction where you actually ENJOY every single part of it. 

You want want your child to have the best chance possible? That responsibility is on you. And I’m gonna help you, through:

  1. INTERRUPTING the pattern,

  2. Educating you on what NOT to do and what TO do, 

  3. And helping you to reparent and integrate your OWN inner child so you aren’t recreating the cycles with your child that you’re trying to heal and get away from.

    • UNDERSTAND YOUR INNER CHILD: Explore your own inner child wounds, recognising how these wounds may impact your parenting style, emotional reactions, and interactions with your children.

    • BREAK GENERATIONAL CYCLES: Gain the tools to interrupt generational patterns of trauma, unhealthy behaviour, and limiting beliefs.

    • CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION: Learn techniques to communicate with your children in a compassionate, non-reactive way that fosters emotional safety and trust.

    • EMOTIONAL REGULATION: Learn how to manage your own triggers and emotions, allowing you to parent from a place of calm rather than reactivity.

    • SECURE ATTACHMENT: By healing your own attachment wounds, create a more secure, connected relationship with your children.

    • EMPATHETIC PARENTING: Develop a deeper understanding of your child’s emotional needs, rather than repeating harmful patterns you may have experienced.

    • TOOLKIT: Gain practical tools for continued personal healing.

    • CONSCIOUSNESS: Make conscious, thoughtful decisions in their parenting.

    • CYCLE BREAKERS: Those who recognise they may have inherited harmful patterns from their own upbringing and want to break those cycles for the sake of their children.

    • EXPECTANT PARENTS: Individuals or couples expecting a child, or planning to start a family, who want to begin their parenting journey with the emotional awareness and tools needed to raise children in a healthy, nurturing environment.

    • TRIGGERED PARENTS: If you find yourself easily triggered or frustrated by your child’s actions, or struggle with guilt after reacting harshly, this course will help you understand where those reactions come from and how to regulate them.

    • PARENTS STRUGGLING WITH EMOTIONAL CONNECTION: Those who want to build a stronger emotional bond with their child but feel disconnected or unsure of how to nurture secure attachments.

    • CONSCIOUS PARENTS: Individuals who are conscious of the fact that they experienced trauma, neglect, or unmet emotional needs in their own upbringing and want to ensure they don't pass these wounds on to their children.

    • PARENTS STRUGGLING WITH CHILD'S BEHAVIOUR: Those dealing with behavioural issues or emotional struggles in their children and want to learn more conscious, empathetic ways to support and guide their child through these challenges.

    • YOU WANT PEACE: Anyone committed to creating a more harmonious, peaceful home environment where emotional intelligence, open communication, and conscious parenting are practiced daily.

    • UNDERSTAND YOUR IC: Uncover how your own childhood wounds and unmet needs impact your parenting style, reactions, and ability to connect with your child.

    • CYCLE BREAKING TOOLS: Practical steps to stop passing down the emotional baggage, toxic behaviours, and limiting beliefs you may have inherited.

    • EMOTIONAL REGULATION SKILLS: Learn how to identify and manage your triggers, so you can respond to your child with patience and calm, rather than reacting out of frustration or anger.

    • BETTER RELATIONSHIP: Develop strategies to build a stronger emotional bond with your child, fostering a sense of security, trust, and connection.

    • CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION: Gain effective communication tools that encourage open dialogue, emotional expression, and mutual understanding, helping your child feel heard and supported.

    • SELF AWARENESS: You’ll become more attuned to your child’s emotional and developmental needs, allowing you to parent with empathy and mindfulness.

    • CONFIDENT PARENTING: You’ll feel confident in your ability to make conscious parenting choices that align with your values, creating a nurturing, emotionally safe home environment.

    • HEALING: By working on your inner child, you’ll experience personal healing, which will help you parent from a place of wholeness rather than passing on unresolved wounds.

    • CLARITY: Walk away with a framework for ongoing personal and parenting growth, ensuring that you continue evolving into the conscious parent you aspire to be.


Become the confident parent who doesn’t wobble when met with judgement, criticism or people overstepping.

A simple, $30 toolkit packed with scripts, templates, and audio trainings to help you set boundaries, handle judgment, and parent with confidence, even under the toughest circumstances.

This is a tangible resource that you can CONTINUOUSLY pull on next month… next year… the next 5 years… so you can use as a parent to support you through emotional regulation, understanding what to say to your mother in law and HOW, navigating conflict + all the tough moments that come with being a parent.