My heart. My soul. The work that inspired me to become a coach...
We go DEEP AS F**K.
Nervous system regulation, emotional intelligence, ego work, shadow work, concept of self, energetics, shame, activations/triggers, projections, patterns/cycles and living in an “unconscious” world as a “conscious” human.
This course about taking off the mask.
Have you ever wanted to understand why you are, the way you are?
You just can’t seem to “get ahead”?
That person just really gets under your skin?
You have huge reactions that come out of nowhere?
You feel like you can’t quite control how you feel, which leads to unnecessary arguments?
You just keep sabotaging yourself?
Thinking about past events send you into a shame pit?
You can’t stand people who are “fake”?
You struggle to shake a bad mood?
You get antsy when things don’t go your way?
Even though you do all the positive thinking, self care and reading self development books, you still kinda feel the SAME?
Think about an iceberg.
What you know is the tip of it.
What you don’t, is underneath the water.
Humans are INTERESTING creatures. We are intricate and multi-faceted and smart. We have multiple factors to our PSYCHE, which impact who we THINK we are, who we PORTRAY ourselves to be, and who we REALLY are.
We think we know ourselves.
We don’t.
There is a LOT more to us than we realise and I am here to reveal that. I am here to help you take off the mask.
There comes a time in your self-development journey where reframing your thoughts from negative to positive… just doesn’t quite cut it anymore.
You’re doing the things! Thinking the things! You’re doing it all! But still.. No… real… change.
What if I told you there’s a way to change… FOR GOOD?
Which will prevent…
Overreacting to minor things
Taking things personally
Unnecessary pain (you WILL be able to see people’s ulterior motives!)
Conflict, misunderstanding and misreading relationships
Hanging onto grudges, guilt, shame and resentment
And lead to…
The ability to dissect yourself and be your own coach
Being able to see whether what someone is saying, matches up with what they’re really intending
Knowing when it’s your shit (wounding) and not theirs, and vice versa !
Being able to see CLEAR AS DAY when someone is lying, and when they’re being authentic
Catching yourself out when you’re “listening to your body” vs self-sabotaging
Better relationships because you’ll have more compassion for things that used to bother you
More aligned friendships, experiences and opportunties
Being in control of yourself rather than acting out familiar patterns
Getting to know THE REAL YOU without letting it consume your whole life and take over
UNMASK. The course you’ve been waiting for.
If you are wanting to understand yourself DEEPLY, and build skills to read other humans so you can make responsible decisions when you’re around and with them…
THIS is it.
A journey of a lifetime where we venture into your psyche to break down your ego, uncover your shadows, heal your activations, build emotional resilience, let go of self-sabotaging behaviours, connect with your higher self…
And most of all… take off the mask.
It’s time to see yourself clearly.